Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Go-Giver

I haven't been blogging recently, not because I don't love you, but because I'm thinking of refocusing my blog. Or having multiple blogs. I'm not sure.

Anywhoo, I've just finished re-reading "The Go-Giver" by Bob Burg and John David Mann.
The subtitles reads: "A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea."

The truth is, though, that this book applies to so much more than business. The book is an instructional manual on how to make your life a complete success. And it is written in the most effective teaching style known to man: as a story.

"The Go-Giver" follows a smart and ambitious young man named Joe who is a real go-getter. Joe has reached a point in his life where he feels that the harder and faster he works, the less successful he feels.
When Joe is introduced to a deceptively successful business-man known only as "Pindar", his strategy on living life is turned upside-down. Joe cannot believe the things that Pindar tells him are true, until he puts them into practice, and is catapulted beyond his wildest dreams of what is possible.

There is absolutely no reason why everyone shouldn't read this book. It's a short, easy read with a life changing impact.

"Most people laugh when they hear that the secret to success is giving. Then again, most people are nowhere near as successful as they wish they were."


Unknown said...

Hi CreatureGirl —

Thanks so much for the great review! Did you learn about the book through VitaMark? I love what you said: "an instruction manual on how to make your life a complete success." Wow!

Warm regards -- John

P.S. Great Marilyn Monroe quote on your site.

Bob Burg said...

Hi CG,

Thank you for your review. WOW - very nice, and well-written.

I noticed my friend Sue Mazza as one of your blog followers. She's awesome.

I'll bet you're going to build a HUGE Avon business, my friend!!

You can do it . . . you KNOW you can.

Best regards,
