As I've recently graduated from college, I've realized a few things.I've made some mistakes.
Obviously -- well it's obvious to me anyway -- not all these mistakes are related to school. Although, since my educational career was the main focus of my last several years -- my decisions in that time tend to stand out.
Maybe it's my own fear of incompetency that's weeding into my subconscious, shoving feelings of misdirection to the forefront of my attention. Whatever the source of this self-delusion may be, I feel that this choice is a mistake. Whether it's true or not may be irrelevant -- I haven't quite decided.
- Study Medicine
- Intern at Hospital
- Apply for Position
- Save the world from disease while cashing large checks and dodging lawsuits
So as I reach this limit of stagnancy in my life, which direction do I take?
Well, to be honest, my dream job of all dream jobs would be to host my own travel show on the Travel Channel. I can't think of anything better than that, short of king-of-the-world, -- or perhaps being the presidential pooch. But as I'm not quite sure how to accomplish that ambitious objective yet, I see myself with several options:
- Go back to school
- Use the degree I have in Public Relations
- Make my own way
The real question is where to start. I know many people that are extremely successful in multi-level-marketing businesses (such as my Mom), and I could always bank on scoring some strange and exotic position with a successful individual. (wow that sounds interesting).
Taking in consideration that I have no idea what I want to do besides travel and be extremely successful in whatever I do -- the world is lookin' mighty big. This is the point where I wistfully sigh and wish I had more blog-followers to offer friendly -- if highly opinionated -- advice.
That decision will have to wait for another day. Champagne is a bad choice for undoing mistakes.
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