Friday, February 27, 2009

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

My friend Ninja Steve recently showed me an online one-time episode of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.

I was both mesmerized and extremely amused.

The mini-show was birthed by Buffy the Vampire Slayer's creator Joss Whedon during the recent writers strike.

Whedon explains his strange concoction of comic book and musical:

"More than a year ago — one of those vague ideas that float around in my head — I thought it would be fun to do a sort of podcast musical diary of myself as a supervillain. Then, during the [writers'] strike, everybody said ''Okay, I guess we have to create Internet content, to show that it can be done, sans studio,'' which also involved the desire to do something other than picketing. The Guild, [Felicia Day's] web show, was an inspiration."

The cast is a mish-mosh of Whedon favorites, like Nathan Fillion (Firefly), and virtually unknowns -- such as the opitomy-of-cute-yet-awkward Felicia Day.

If you trust me, I urge you, observe Dr. Horrible:

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